To become the world's most exciting medical
and healthcare company
Company Information
Our Business
Depopulation and population aging, a chronic shortage of physicians, the uneven distribution of medical resources, and other factors are causing many hospitals to fall into financial difficulties that could lead to the breakdown of regional medical care.
Believing that these medical issues will become more widespread, we have defined our business mission to “strengthen and revitalize regional healthcare.”
The hospice business is one approach to fulfilling our business mission.
In order to develop more diverse approaches, we are promoting the Regional Healthcare Revitalization Project.
Hospice Business
Ishinkan was established based on new concepts of outsourcing physician functions and sharing hospital beds and is being expanded nationwide. Ishinkan is a hospice that specializes in chronic and terminal care, with an appropriate operational and personnel structure.
Regional Healthcare Revitalization Project
Using the know-how acquired through the operation of Ishinkan, we provide comprehensive management support for medical institutions and care providers. We offer consulting services, including the securing of operating funds and organizational development, as well as collaboration with Ishinkan according to the needs of business partners.
Amvis Story
Convinced That the Company Can Grow by Making Decisions Promptly
Acting According to the Motto “Complete It Thoroughly.”Head of the Business Development Department
Masajiro Yoshimura -
Wanting to Support the Activities of Nurses at Amvis
Joining Us after Working as the Head of Hospital Nursing DepartmentsHead of the Nursing and Care Department
Fukuko Oshiba
Investor Relations