Amvis Story

We have people with different professional backgrounds.
Their areas of expertise are diverse, including medical and healthcare, real estate, finance, IT, and legal.
We are working on issues while demonstrating individual strengths and cooperating with colleagues.
We are always willing to make efforts to achieve our goals. We continue to make steady efforts to achieve our business and management missions, while taking on the challenge of new fields.
As you can see in the stories of the employees introduced here, we can work successfully in challenging environments.
We are dedicated to promoting our business with the belief that our project will bear great fruit.
Convinced That the Company Can Grow by Making Decisions Promptly
Acting According to the Motto “Complete It Thoroughly.”Head of the Business Development Department
Masajiro Yoshimura -
Wanting to Support the Activities of Nurses at Amvis
Joining Us after Working as the Head of Hospital Nursing DepartmentsHead of the Nursing and Care Department
Fukuko Oshiba